Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Judge Not (part I) Matt 7v1-5

Should Christians judge?

How did we end up here? Judges 19-20

Ever find yourself in a place that you never intended to be?

Dont worry - be happy! Matt 6v25-34

Why worry?

The gods of Dan - Judges 18

What can happen to "seekers".

Treasures in Heaven - Matt 6v19-24

Where is your treasure stored?

Right Fasting - Matt 6v16-18

Fast? Who fasts anymore? Maybe we should!

Right Praying - Matt 6v5-13

Jesus gives us a true model for prayer.

The Decline of a Nation - Judges 17

What does a guy that steals from his mother and a wandering Levite have in common? A mixed up religion!