Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who is able to stand before this holy LORD God? - 1st Samuel 6

The Philistine's have had quite enough of the ark of God, terrible painful hemorrhoids and rats would get anyone's attention. As well, the men of Beth Shemesh suffered 50,070 men dying as a result of peeking into the ark.  Indeed, who can stand before this holy LORD God?

"PWNED" - 1st Samuel 5

After the terrible outcome in the battle between Israel and the Philistines chronicled in 1 Samuel 4, it would seem that Israel was done for. But in the midst of this terrible situation, something rather incredible is about to happen...

God is a Box - 1st Samuel 4

Often I’ll hear people say “don’t put God in a box”, meaning we should never attempt to limit what God can do in a situation. But there is another perspective of the metaphor “God in a box,” and that would be to view God as some spiritual resource that can be called upon when needed.

When God Speaks - 1st Samuel 3v1-19

“Have you heard fromGod?” Hearing from God – its a term that is bandied about quite a bit inChristian circles, but what does it really mean to hear from God, and how do we do it?

The Birth of a Prophet - 1st Samuel 1 & 2

This week we will be opening our study of Samuel with the account of the birth of the prophet Samuel.

Friday, April 8, 2011

We can be Heroes - Hebrews 11:30-12:2

The “Faith Hall of Fame” clearly displays the past saints as overcomers.  They were heroes! But the point here is not to look at these people and hold them up as unique heroes who were capable of doing things that we cannot. God is the same now as He was then. Faith is the same now as then God can do great things though you and me today. By faith we can be heroes!

The Affliction of Faith - Hebrews 11:23-29

Faith sometimes means making a decision – a faith decision – to step into a tough situation, choosing to go somewhere that you know it will be difficult. The only way we will make that choice is if we believe that God is, and that He will reward those who seek Him!

The Heritage of Faith - Hebrews 11:17-19

That one of the most crucial things we can pass on to our children is a HERITAGE OF FAITH. Living a life where our children can witness that faith is RESTING in the promises of God, BELIEVING the promises of God, and WALKING in the promises of God.

The Sacrifice of Faith - Hebrews 11:17-19

Faith sometimes calls us to step into something that looks, on the surface, like a sure loser. But faith is believing so powerfully in the word of God that he knew that God would, if necessary, raise Isaac from the dead in order that He might fulfill His word, "Through Isaac shall they seed be called."

The Reality of Faith - Hebrews 11:1-16

Faith is believing that there is another dimension to life other than that which can be touched, tasted, seen or felt. Faith is believing in the invisible spiritual kingdom of God, and that our destination is in that kingdom.

The Introduction to Faith - Hebrews 10:23-39

Getting saved was just the beginning of our journey, not the end!  We entered into a new identity, a new relationship, a new standing, and a new reality – but that does not mean that our road will be easy.  As a matter of fact, our journey will likely be harder.

A New and Living Way - Hebrews 10:15-25

The sacrifice of Christ was a  reflection of something deeper; our lives as Christians, in the church, our fellowship, it is a testimony of the relationship that God wants us to have with Him. He doesn’t want us to worship Him from afar, He doesn’t want us to worship Him through ritual. He wants us to enter into His presence freely, without hindrance, and experience the fullness of the New Covenant.

A Perfect Sacrifice - Hebrews 9:16-10:14

The shedding of blood in the Old Testament sacrifice was a picture of an event that was to come, that which was imperfect a shadow of that which would be perfect. Christ came and offered His body, His blood, to fulfill the will of God, and make a permanent atonement for the sins of man.

To Serve the Living God - Hebrews 9:1-5

At the crucifixion of Christ, an event occurred in the physical realm, a man died.  But a parallel event occurred in heaven, in the eternal realm. Jesus Christ entered into the real Holy of Holies, and sprinkled His blood on the alter. Through that act we have been called to serve the Living God.

God’s Incredible Gift - Hebrews 8

This new covenant that was declared by the prophet Jeremiah, and fulfilled in Jesus Christ, is not just a new ‘religious rite” that replaces Judaism. The new covenant ushers us into a new reality that our hearts and spirits have yearned for since the dawn of time: The reality of oneness with God.

A Better Hope – Hebrews 7

We live in a fallen world where things change, people change, the economy changes, our bodies experience entropy. But there is one covenant that will NEVER CHANGE – Who Jesus is / What He has done / What He has for us.