Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who is able to stand before this holy LORD God? - 1st Samuel 6

The Philistine's have had quite enough of the ark of God, terrible painful hemorrhoids and rats would get anyone's attention. As well, the men of Beth Shemesh suffered 50,070 men dying as a result of peeking into the ark.  Indeed, who can stand before this holy LORD God?

"PWNED" - 1st Samuel 5

After the terrible outcome in the battle between Israel and the Philistines chronicled in 1 Samuel 4, it would seem that Israel was done for. But in the midst of this terrible situation, something rather incredible is about to happen...

God is a Box - 1st Samuel 4

Often I’ll hear people say “don’t put God in a box”, meaning we should never attempt to limit what God can do in a situation. But there is another perspective of the metaphor “God in a box,” and that would be to view God as some spiritual resource that can be called upon when needed.

When God Speaks - 1st Samuel 3v1-19

“Have you heard fromGod?” Hearing from God – its a term that is bandied about quite a bit inChristian circles, but what does it really mean to hear from God, and how do we do it?

The Birth of a Prophet - 1st Samuel 1 & 2

This week we will be opening our study of Samuel with the account of the birth of the prophet Samuel.