Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Fool In Me - 1 Sam 25v2-38

There are times in David's life that we can say "wow, that was foolish." But if we are honest, there is a fool in each of us, just waiting for an opportunity to come out!

Then Samuel Died - 1 Samuel 25:1

What made Samuel such a unique man of God?  He was a man that established aministry of truth, faithfulness, andintegrity before God, and before people.  In this message we examine some important things we can learn from Samuel's life.

Payback - 1 Samuel 24

We've all had someone do us wrong. And usually, sooner or later, a situation will present itself where we have an opportunity to give... payback!  When that happens, what do we do? 1 Samuel 24 answers the question.

Spiritual Surgery - 1 Samuel 23:13-29

Surviving the Keilahites in your life - 1 Samuel 23:1-13

Sometimes the people that we help the most, are the ones that hurt us the deepest!  How should we respond when someone turns on us?  Look at David's experience with the Keilahites...